Belt Testing & Holiday Schedule

Reminder: On Nov. 21, we will have our blue and purple belts tests from 6:30-8:30 pm. Those testing can invite whoever they would like.

On Nov. 23, Dennis Hayes will teach a seminar at TDMA from 10:00-11:00 am. The seminar is open to TDMA students and affiliates. This will be followed by a brown belt test.

Finally, we will closed for Thanksgiving on Nov. 28.

See you on the mats!

Belt Promotions

Congratulations to the newest blue belts at Total Defense and our sister school Principal MMA: Chris Alexander, Kayleigh Southerly, and Alejandro Salinas. Also congratulations to everyone who received stripes on their belts. Your dedication to your art and your support of your teammates make this world a better place.

BJJ Adult Belt Promotions

Congratulations to Josh, Jacob, and Nick on their Blue Belts tonight! All did a great job on the test and shark tank.

Congratulations to the guys and gals who got stripes! Keep up the great work.