In addition to their regular ranking stripes, awarded to show progress between belt ranks, students in our younger kids (aged 6-10) BJJ class can now earn character stripes.
Character stripes are denoted by black tape on the lighter end of a belt, while ranking stripes are white tape on the black end of a belt. Each month, students and parents are asked to fill out and return a worksheet before the stripe is awarded.
Designed by Kristen DeBruycker of Gracie Charlottesville, the character stripe program issues four monthly challenges. May’s challenges included remembering emergency phone numbers and practicing honesty, while June’s included focusing on acts of kindness and cleanliness.
“My goal for the character stripe program is to set my students up for success outside of my classroom,” Coach Olivia Huffman said. “If I can help build their confidence by teaching them basic self-defense and leadership skills, I have done my job as a coach.”
Thank you to Olivia for spearheading this important initiative.
(Pictured: Students display their first character stripe.)